AB 104 Grade Changes: Letter Grades to Pass/No Pass
On July 1, Governor Newsom signed AB 104 into law. Per Education Code section 49066.5 of AB 104, Collegiate Charter High School of Los Angeles can approve requests from the parents of students enrolled in 2020-21 to change letter grades of courses to pass/not pass. At Collegiate, a grade of 70% or higher is considered passing. The grade change request shall not negatively affect the student’s grade point average or result in the loss of a student’s eligibility for athletics or school programs.
The grade change request must be submitted to Collegiate Charter High School of Los Angeles on or before Friday, September 10, 2021. The school will not accept forms after that date. The school is required to make the change of a student’s grade from a letter grade to a pass/not pass within 15 days of the request and will notify the student and student’s parent/guardian that the grade has been changed.
If there is no application to change a course grade by this date, a letter grade earned in the 2020-21 school year will remain on the student’s high school transcript. To request Pass/No Pass for 2020–2021, please print, fill out, sign, and date this Distance Learning Pass/No Pass Request Form 2020-2021
Submit the completed Distance Learning Pass/No Pass Request Form 2020-2021 to Collegiate Charter High School of Los Angeles in person or via email to our school counselor, Mr. Alvarado at hectoralvarado@collegiatecharterhighschool.org using the email subject line: “AB104 Grade Change.” The student and parent/guardian will be notified of the change within 15 days of the school receiving the request.
The California State University system shall, and the University of California system and private postsecondary educational institutions have been encouraged to, accept for admission purposes, and without prejudice, a transcript with a Pass or No Pass grade instead of a letter grade for any coursework for all applicants from the 2020-21 school year to the 2023-24 school year, inclusive. Please note that some postsecondary educational institutions, including those in other states, may not accept a Pass or No Pass grade instead of a letter grade for admissions purposes. A list of postsecondary institutions that will accept Pass/No Pass for admission purposes can be found here.
To request Pass/No Pass for 2020–2021, please print, fill out, sign, and date this Distance Learning Pass/No Pass Request Form 2020-2021